2x2 Days “Hands-On” Intensive Kubernetes Workshop for beginners and professionals

9/2/20, 7:00 AM - 9/3/20, 4:00 PM
MediaPark, Cologne

Im Mediapark 6
50670 Köln

By KubeCologne 2020 we'll provide 2 different courses in parallel for beginners and advanced users. It is a 2 days hands-on Kubernetes intensive workshop taking place on September 2nd and 3rd before the main conference day on Wednesday, September 4th, covering basic to advanced Kubernetes topics with an in-depth Kubernetes Implemenation Training. We'll start with deploying Kubernetes, OpenShift or Rancher Kubernetes Engine on AWS, Azure, GCP or bare-metal and learn Kubernetes by doing.

After this 2 days hands-on with the basic workshop you should be able to run Kubenrnetes in production and lay the ground for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) and / or Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exams.

The advanced workshop is targeted to those users who work already with Kubernetes in practice and would need to extend their knowledge and gain more insights how to apply best practices and new technics for their daily work.


The workshops will be held by certified kubernetes administrators and application developers who are working on large scale Kubernetes implementations in various industry sectors.

Prerequisites for Beginners

You should have a basic knowledge of cloud computing, linux and container technology.
You should love to love learning!

Training preparation

Please bring your laptop with kubectl installed.

Syllabus Basic Workshop for Beginners

  • Kubernetes fundamentals
  • In-Depth introduction to Kubernetes and its Architecture
  • Install an HA'ed Kubernetes environment with upstream Kubernetes, OpenShift or Rancher Kubernetes Engine
  • First steps with Docker, Containerd, CRI-O
  • Kubernetes Implementation Design and deployment
  • Learn about Kubernetes API Groups, OpenAPI and Swagger UI
  • Learn about pods, create, supervise and manage them manually
  • Learn about multiple replication controllers, schedulers and when to use them
  • Learn about services, ingress controllers, load balancers and how to implement a custom ingress controller
  • Learn about Config-Maps, Secrets, DownwardAPI and Cert-Manager to configure applications
  • Learn about ephermeral volumes, persistent volumes, provisioners and storage classes
  • Learn about auto-scaling (HPA and VPA)
  • Learn about CKA and CKAD exams and how to learn with Kubernauts community
  • Practice, Practice, Practice and Practice excercises 


Syllabus Advanced Workshop for Professionals

  • Kubernetes best practices for production environments
  • Learn about rolling deployments, blue-green and canary release strategies
  • Learn about monitoring and logging and get deep insights about the cluster health
  • Learn about Statefulsets and best practices to run stateful applications in production
  • Learn about back-up, restore and desaster recovery
  • Learn about container and Kubernetes security and hardening technics
  • Learn about multi-cluster management
  • Learn to build customized service and application catalogs
  • Learn about Helm and Operator Framework
  • Learn how to deploy and use the Vault Operator
  • Learn about Contanier Native Storage and advanced technics
  • Learn about Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud deployments
  • Learn about Kubernetes Patterns
  • Deep dive into networking
  • Learn about CNI Plugins
  • Learn about Chaos Engineering and the right way to implement it
  • Deep dive to Ingress Controllers and Service Mesh and how to choose the right one for your use case
  • CI/CD and GitOps
  • Learn about troubleshooting and cluster maintanance (safely cordon and draining nodes)
  • Learn about CKA and CKAD exams and how to learn with Kubernauts community


Training Material

Each student will get a full-set of training materials for the basic and advanced courses on the kubernauts academy website.


Number of Students

For each course the number of students is limited to only 10 attendees!


Workshop Registration
