Kubernetes on AWS China: Just follow the install wizard?

2/8/19, 3:00 PM - 2/8/19, 3:45 PM
  • AWS Cloud-Native Kubernetes Optimization

Timo Heinrichs, inovex GmbH


Deploying Kubernetes is easy. It's 2019 and we have plenty of options to get clusters up and running. If Kubernetes as a Service is not an option, tools like kops promise fully automatic, high available deployments.

More often than not the hardest part of operating clusters are the environments and the context they live in. This talk will cover the special requirements of the chinese AWS region and the challenges we had to face in day-to-day business.

Timo’s Bio:

Timo likes to keep his head in the clouds while working with technologies like Kubernetes, Docker and AWS. To keep his feet on the ground he joined a bunch of great colleagues at inovex in 2017. Together with other cloud platform engineers we're working on exciting projects and enabling big enterprises to be agile and understand some crucial DevOps ideas.