Conference Presentations

The following solutions presentations and hands-on sessions will be provided on the Conference Day on Friday, February 8th.


 10:00 – 10:45


 Troubleshooting Kubernetes—beyond kubectl exec

 Kubernetes makes it easy to run cloud native applications in a resilient way.
 But what if something fails? ...
 Michael Hausenblas
 More +

 Session 1

 11:00 – 11:45


 Easy multi-cluster RBAC with Kubernetes

 This presentation will discuss the challenges of implementing consistent access policies across
 multiple Kubernetes clusters in a typical enterprise environment. It will introduce participants to the
 concept of centralized authentication and policy management implemented in the open source
 Rancher Kubernetes management platform.

  Jan Bruder
  More + 


 12:00 – 13:00



 Session 2

 13:00 – 13:45


 Neuvector - Kubernetes and Docker Hack
 Learn about how container exploits such as crypto mining can be detected and prevented with a
 Kubernetes security mesh.
 Dieter Reuter
 More + 

 Hands-On 1

 13:00 – 13:45


 Apache Kafka® on Kubernetes - A mach made in heaven!

 Running and operating Stateful apps on Kubernetes is not easy, at least if you’re going to deal with
 replication and have to take care of syncing and re-balancing your streaming data 
 Arash Kaffamanesh
 More +

 Hands-On 2

 13:00 – 13:45


 TK8 - Behind the Scenes

 Learn about TK8 and TK8 Web, the kubespray and kubeadm based Kubernetes Installer and
 Automation tool ...

 Christopher Adigun, Manuel Müller

 More +

 Session 3

 14:00 – 14:45


 Aggregation of real-time monitoring IoT data of a wind farm with Kubernetes

 Learn about real-time IoT data streams monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes ... 

 Burkhard Noltensmeier
 More +

 Hands-On 3

 14:00 – 14:45


 Application Optimization on Kubernetes on the example of a Spring Boot Microservice

 Deploying Microservices on Kubernetes is not as easy as 1-2-3. Many of them suffer from frequent OutOfMemory
 kills and long startup times ...

 Stephan Hartmann
 More +

 Hands-On 4

 14:00 – 14:45


 Superpowers for your cluster with service mesh

 Discover how can you get instantaneous visibility in your microservices, tame the complexity of
 modern sprawling cloud-native applications ...

 Alessandro Vozza
 More +

 Session 4

 15:00 – 15:45


 Kubernetes on AWS China: Just follow the install wizard?

Deploying Kubernetes is easy. It's 2019 and we have plenty of options to get clusters up
 and running. If Kubernetes as a Service is not an option, ...

 Timo Heinrichs
 More +

 Hands-On 5

 15:00 – 15:45


 Make Kubernetes more secure with HashiCorp Vault

 Learn about how to secure Kubernetes with different HashiCorp Vault technics ...

 Björn Wenzel
 More +

Hands-On 6

 15:00 – 15:45


 Bringing the Cloud Foundry developer experience to Kubernetes

 Learn about the benefits of adding Cloud Foundry to your Kubernetes ...

 Mario Manno
 More +

 Session 5

 16:00 – 16:45


 Serverless Architectures and Services with a focus on FaaS 

 Learn about Serverlsess, FaaS and different solutions like KNative, OpenFaaS and AWS Lambda ...

 Theo Pack
 More +

 Hands-On 7

 16:00 – 16:45


 Kubernetes Studio
 Learn about UxxU Kubernetes Studio, a new IDE for Kubernetes ...

 Guillermo Quiros
 More +  

 Hands-On 8

 16:00 – 16:45


 Security: 3 things every developer should know about K8s security

Security best practices for Kubernetes Application Developers, learn about ...

 Johannes Schnatterer
 More + 

 Closing Panel

 17:00 – 17:45


 Panel discussion: "The road ahead"